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Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Do We Grow Old ?

How and Why Do We Grow Old?

Can You Avoid Aging?
Why Do We Grow Old?
How Long Can You Live?

YOU may have imagined that all living things must inevitably wear out. Cars and vacuum cleaners in daily use eventually stop working. It is easy to suppose that animals age and die in a similar way. But professor of zoology Steven Austad explains: “Living organisms are very different from machines. The most fundamental defining character of living organisms, in fact, may be their ability to repair themselves.”

The way your body repairs itself after an injury is marvelous, but the routine repairs it makes are, in some respects, even more remarkable. Consider your bones, for example. “Seemingly inert when viewed from the outside, bone is a living tissue that ceaselessly destroys and rebuilds itself throughout adult life,” explains Scientific American magazine. “This remodeling essentially replaces the entire skeleton every 10 years.” Other parts of your body are renewed more often. Some cells in your skin, liver, and intestines may be replaced almost daily. Every second, your body produces about 25 million new cells as replacements. If this did not happen and all the parts of your body were not constantly repaired or replaced, you would grow old during childhood.
Children playing with a ball

Is aging caused by wear and tear?

The fact that we do not wear out was seen to be even more remarkable when biologists began studying the molecules within living cells. When your cells are regenerated, each new cell must have a copy of your DNA, the molecule that contains much of the information needed to reproduce your entire body. Imagine how many times DNA has been reproduced, not just during your lifetime in your own body but since human life began! To understand how amazing this is, consider what would happen if you used a photocopier to copy a document and then used the new copy to make the next copy. If you did this repeatedly, the quality of the copies would deteriorate and eventually become unreadable. Happily, the quality of our DNA does not deteriorate or wear out when our cells repeatedly divide. Why? Because our cells have many ways of repairing DNA copy errors. If that were not true, mankind would long ago have become a pile of dust!

Since all the parts of our body—from the major structures to the tiny molecules—are constantly replaced or repaired, wear and tear does not fully explain aging. The body’s numerous systems repair or replace themselves for decades, each in a different way and at a different pace. So, then, why do they all begin to close down about the same time?
Is Aging Programmed?

Why does a house cat live 20 years, but a similar-size opossum lives only 3 years?* Why can a bat live 20 or 30 years, but a mouse only 3? Why can a giant tortoise live 150 years, but an elephant only 70? Factors such as diet, body weight, brain size, or rate of living do not explain such diversity of life spans. The Encyclopædia Britannica states: “Locked within the code of the genetic material are instructions that specify the age beyond which a species cannot live.” Maximum life span is written in the genes. But as the end of that life span approaches, what causes all the body functions to start closing down?
Approximate Life Spans
A bee

90 days
A man

80 years
A mouse

3 years
A parrot

100 years
A dog

15 years
A tortoise

Giant tortoise
150 years
A monkey

30 years
A sequoia tree

Giant sequoia
3,000 years
An alligator

50 years
A bristlecone pine

Bristlecone pine
4,700 years
An elephant

70 years

Molecular biologist Dr. John Medina writes: “There seem to be mysterious signals that simply show up at certain times and tell cells to quit doing their normal adult functions.” He also notes: “Genes exist which can tell cells, and indeed entire organisms, to grow old and die.”

Our body might be compared to a company that has been doing business successfully for decades. Suddenly the managers stop hiring and training new staff, stop repairing and replacing machines, and stop maintaining and rebuilding the premises. Soon the business will start to deteriorate. But why did all those managers change their successful policies? That question is similar to the one facing biologists who study aging. The book The Clock of Ages says: “In aging research, one of the great mysteries is trying to understand why cells stop replicating and start dying.”
Can Aging Be Cured?

Aging has been called “the most complex of all biological problems.” After decades of effort, scientific research has not revealed the cause of aging, much less found a cure. In 2004 the magazine Scientific American published a warning issued by 51 scientists who study aging. It said: “No currently marketed intervention—none—has yet been proved to slow, stop or reverse human aging.” Although sensible diet and exercise may improve your health and lower the risk of your dying prematurely from disease, nothing has been proved to retard aging. These conclusions remind us of the words of Jesus found in the Bible: “Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?”—Matthew 6:27.

Summing up the progress in the effort to find a cure for aging, Medina writes: “We don’t really know why we age in the first place. . . . After declaring a war on cancer decades ago, we still have not found a cure. And the process of aging is infinitely more complicated than the mechanisms underlying cancer.”
Research Leads to a Vital Conclusion

Research into how living things work and why they age has not crushed all hope of living longer. Some have found that their research has led them irresistibly to a conclusion that is vital to the understanding of aging. Molecular biochemist Michael Behe writes: “Over the past four decades modern biochemistry has uncovered the secrets of the cell. . . . The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cell—to investigate life at the molecular level—is a loud, clear, piercing cry of ‘design!’” Someone intelligently designed living things. Of course, Behe is not the first one to arrive at that conclusion. After contemplating the structure of the human body, an ancient psalmist wrote: “In a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.”—Psalm 139:14.
A baby

‘We are wonderfully made’

If all living things are designed, then an intriguing question arises, Did God, the Great Designer, create mankind with a life span that is about the same as that of many animals, or does he want us to live longer than animals?

Life Style Killing you

Smoking - Reject Them?

How You Can Quit Smoking
Is Your Life-Style Killing You?
Drug Abuse— Find the Solution!

A nation that helped introduce tobacco to the world is taking the lead in warning of its dangers.

"TOBACCO," a historian wrote, "has no literal history prior to the discovery of America." Natives in the Caribbean offered it to Columbus. Its export ensured the survival of Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement in North America. Its sale helped finance the American Revolution. And the early U.S. presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were tobacco growers.

In more recent times, Hollywood used cigarettes as a symbol of romance, charm, and manhood. American soldiers gave them to people they met in countries where they fought. And it is said that following the second world war, cigarettes were currency "from Paris to Peking."

It has been "estimated that during the 1990s in developed countries, tobacco will cause approximately 30 percent of all deaths among those 35 to 69 years of age, making it the largest single cause of premature death in the developed world."

But things changed. On January 11, 1964, the U.S. surgeon general released a 387-page report linking smoking with emphysema, lung cancer, and other serious diseases. Soon federal law required the warning "Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health" on all cigarette packages sold in the United States. Now, smoking is said to be responsible for an estimated 434,000 deaths a year in the United States. That is more than the number of all the Americans killed in battle during the past century!
Restrictions Imposed

Over ten years ago, Aspen, Colorado, a popular winter resort, prohibited smoking in its restaurants. Since then, nonsmoking sections have become more common in restaurants, the workplace, and other public places. Several years ago, a Californian asked his daughter where the nonsmoking section was in a Virginia restaurant. "Dad," she replied, "this is tobacco country!" By the time of his next visit, half of that restaurant had been reserved for nonsmokers. Recently, he saw no one smoking there.


The following warnings are from the American Cancer Society's brochures Facts on Lung Cancer and Cancer Facts & Figures—1995:
Skull with cigarette

* "Nonsmoking wives have a 35% higher risk of lung cancer if their husbands smoke."
* "An estimated 90% of lung cancer cases in men and 79% in women are caused by cigarette smoking."
* "For a 2-pack a day smoker who has smoked over 40 years, the lung cancer mortality rate is about 22 times higher than a nonsmoker."
* "The best safeguard against lung cancer is never to start to smoke, or to stop immediately."
* "There is no such thing as a safe cigarette."
* "The use of chewing tobacco or snuff increases risk of cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, and esophagus and is a highly addictive habit."
* "The excess risk of cancer of the cheek and gum may reach nearly fiftyfold among long-term snuff users."
* "People who quit smoking, regardless of age, live longer than people who continue to smoke. Smokers who quit before age 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue to smoke."

But having separate sections for smokers has not solved the problem. Large state-sponsored billboards along major California highways asked: "Do you think smoke knows how to stay in the smoking section?"

When New York City banned smoking in its larger restaurants, owners protested that this would alienate tourists from Europe where, they said, few regulations govern smoking. Yet, an earlier survey had found that 56 percent of Americans would be more likely to go to a nonsmoking restaurant, while only 26 percent would be less inclined to do so.

A sign in New York City's subway cars says: "In any language the message is the same: No smoking anytime, anywhere, in our stations or on our trains. Thank you." The sign states this message not just in English but also in 15 other languages.

Is the matter really that serious? Yes. If 300 people were to die in a major catastrophe, it would be on the news for days, perhaps even weeks. But an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association said it has been estimated that 53,000 Americans die each year from the long-term results of breathing the smoke of other people's cigarettes. That, it said, would make breathing such secondhand, or environmental, tobacco smoke "the third leading preventable cause of death, after active smoking and alcohol."

Pregnant woman smoking

Smoking during pregnancy accounts for about 10 percent of all infant deaths

Children—Defenseless Victims

What about smoking in the home? Healthy People 2000, a U.S. government publication that set goals for reducing "premature death and needless disease and disability," said: "Tobacco use is responsible for more than one of every six deaths in the United States and is the most important single preventable cause of death and disease in our society."

It added: "Cigarette smoking during pregnancy accounts for 20 to 30 percent of low birth weight babies, up to 14 percent of preterm deliveries, and about 10 percent of all infant deaths." Mothers who smoke, it said, can pass on the constituents of tobacco smoke, not only by breast-feeding the infant or by smoking around the infant but also by "putting the infant in a room where smoking occurred recently."

Fathers too are involved. The same publication advised: "If people who have contact with children must smoke, they should smoke outdoors or in areas that do not contribute air to places where the child might be." The risk increases with the number of adults smoking in the same room and with the number of cigarettes smoked. Thus, Joycelyn Elders, former U.S. surgeon general, said: "Your children are the innocent victims of your addictions."

Other people are also at risk. A state-sponsored television commercial in California showed an old man sitting alone. He said that his wife was always 'getting on his case' about smoking. "She even threatened to stop kissing me if I didn't quit. I said it's my lungs, and it's my life. But I was wrong. I didn't quit. I had no idea the life I'd lose wasn't mine . . . It was hers." Looking sadly at her picture, the old man added: "My wife was my life."


For generations tobacco has supported families whose farms are too small to provide a living wage with any other crop. This fact obviously presents a conscience problem for many people. Stanley Hauerwas, professor of theological ethics at Duke University, a school that was founded by a tobacco baron, said: "I think the great agony of people who grow tobacco is . . . when they started growing it, they didn't know it would kill anyone."
Changed View

Such warnings have contributed to a major decline in smoking in the United States. Amazingly, an estimated 46 million Americans—49.6 percent of those who ever smoked—have quit!

However, tobacco companies have huge advertising budgets and are fighting back. The decrease in smoking has slowed. Joseph A. Califano, Jr., of the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at New York's Columbia University, said: "The biggest threat to the public health from the tobacco industry [is] its use of advertising and marketing aimed at children and teenagers who represent a fresh crop of addicts to its deadly products."

The Journal of the American Medical Association said: "An estimated 3000 young people, mostly children and adolescents, become regular smokers each day. This represents about 1 million new smokers each year who partially replace the approximate 2 million smokers who either quit or die each year."

Smoke doesn't stay in the smoking section
Restaurant scene

More than half of all U.S. smokers start by the age of 14. David Kessler, commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, said that of the 3,000 children who begin smoking each day, almost 1,000 will eventually die from smoking-related illnesses.

If such figures trouble you, it would be well to remember that our children follow our example. If we don't want them to smoke, we must not do so either.
Overseas Sales

Although U.S. cigarette consumption has fallen, the foreign market grows. The Los Angeles Times reported that "exports have more than tripled and sales from U.S. tobacco plants abroad have surged." The New England Journal of Medicine said that in developing countries "little emphasis is placed on the hazards of smoking," allowing tobacco companies "to penetrate foreign markets rapidly."

Yet, Patrick Reynolds, son of R. J. Reynolds, Jr., and descendant of the founder of the company that produces Camel and Winston cigarettes, said that 1 out of 5 deaths in the United States is due to smoking. Reynolds was also reported as saying that smoking causes more deaths annually than cocaine, alcohol, heroin, fire, suicide, homicide, AIDS, and auto accidents combined and that it is the single most preventable cause of death, disease, and addiction in our era.

Does it seem strange that the nation that helped the world learn to smoke has developed a growing national opposition to tobacco? If so, it might be well to ask ourselves, 'Who best should know?'

Modern Maturity magazine told of a woman who had smoked for more than 50 years. She said: "When you are hooked, you are hooked." But she got rid of the mystique that had started her smoking in the first place, analyzed her excuses for continuing, and quit.

"Try it," she wrote. "It feels wonderful."

International Mother's Day
The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor their mother,[1] and it's now celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers.

This holiday is relatively modern, being created at the start of the 20th century, and should not be confused with the early pagan and Christian traditions honoring mothers, or with the 16th century celebration of Mothering Sunday, which is also known as Mother's Day in the UK.

In most countries the Mother's Day celebration is a recent holiday derived from the original US celebration. Exceptions are, for example, the Mothering Sunday holiday in the UK.
It is celebrated in the United States each year on the second Sunday of May.

10th of May, is celebrated as Mother's Day to shower love on the most precious person on this earth, the Mother. She is one person who nurtures her child without any expectations back. She gives you hope when you are down. She is the reason for your smiles. She takes away all your sorrows and blessed you always. This is how special and sacred this relationship is. To honor this relationship and pay respects to this special woman, Mother's Day is celebrated.

Why Mother's Day is celebrated?
They say better late than never as this modern day concept got introduced pretty late in comparison to other special days of the year. 'Mother's Day' is a befitting tribute to one of the finest and most precious relationships that mankind has ever witnessed, the Mother. She is the lady who loves you the most, who is the reason for your existence, someone who puts her child's best interest above anything. She epitomises love and care beyond her self and minus any expectations back. On this day, mothers for a change get royal treatment from the hands of their children. The markets are full of shops selling gift items for this self-less lady of love and compassion.

When Mother's Day is celebrated?
A very special day is reserved every year to show deep feelings of love, care and respect for ones Mother, termed as the Mother's Day, it will be celebrated with fanfare on the 10th of May. Although there are some countries where this day is celebrated on different dates. No single day has been kept for universal celebrations. It would've been a great idea if one single day could have been identified to earmark this special relationship

Mother's Day Celebrations in the West:
Internationally, Mother's Day is celebrated with lot of enthusiasm. Mother's Day in Britain or Mothering Sunday as it is commonly called began in the 17th. century. By the 19th. century the holiday had almost died down. However, it again came to light after World War II, when American servicemen brought the custom back to Britain. Mothers get showered on this special day with lots of gifts.

Mother's Day is celebrated internationally with lot of enthusiasm, but some of the countries celebrate it at different times of the year, like Argentina (2nd Sunday in Oct.), France (last Sunday in May), Lebanon (1st day of Spring), Norway (2nd Sunday in Feb.), South Africa (1st Sunday in May), Sweden (last Sunday in May), and Yugoslavia (two weeks before Christmas).
How to Celebrate Mother's Day
The best way to make this day special for your mother is to shower her with lot and lots of love and affection for what she is waiting for since you grew. The backbone of Mother's Day is the strong bonding shared by a Mother and her child. This day can be made special for her if a careful thought is given in putting together a bouquet of wonderful surprises that you can deliver to your mother. This could include small things like having a nostalgic conversation with her, treating her to self-cooked food, taking her out for shopping, showering her with gifts, thanking her for all she has done for you, re-assuring her of your love and support throughout the rest of home.

International Mother's Day - dates in different countries around the World!

Celebrate Mother's Day around the World, by sending flowers from our special range of flowers for delivery on Mother's Day on the following dates: -
Date Country / Countries
May 8th 2009 Albania, South Korea
May 10th 2009 Anguilla, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados,
Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bonaire, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia,
Croatia, Cuba, Curaasao, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia,
Finland, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, India,
Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Peru,
Philippines, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Suriname,
Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey,
Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
May 26th 2009 Poland
May 27th 2009 Bolivia
May 30th 2009 Nicaragua
May 31st 2009 Algeria, Dominican Republic, France, Haiti, Mauritius, Morocco, Sweden,
Jun 14th 2009 Luxembourg
Jun 28th 2009 Kenya
Aug 12th 2009 Thailand
Aug 15th 2009 Belgium, Costa Rica
Oct 12th 2009 Malawi
Oct 14th 2009 Belarus
Oct 18th 2009 Argentina
Nov 29th 2009 Russia
Dec 8th 2009 Panama
Dec 22nd 2009 Indonesia

Tips to Success Website

Ways to Increase Your Web Site
Make sure you use a paid web host. There are many reasons for this but the main reason is that pages hosted on free hosts do not have the search engine rankings that paid ones do. They are also often ad supported and these ads are not appealing to visitors. Another down side is that you often do not have your own domain name and this can reduce your website traffic as well.
Write articles and post them in article directories and submit them to websites and ezines for publication. Even if you do not consider yourself a writer, you can find a topic or topics about which you can write something. Use correct spelling and grammar and find something unique to say or take a unique twist on something old. You will be surprised at what you are able to write.
Create a blog and make sure you update it often. Blogs are often indexed by search engines quicker than regular websites and you can link to your website from it and increase traffic to your main site.
Use more than one domain name for the same site. People will have more than one way to find your site.
Make sure you use proper metadata. This means inserting the correct title words and search terms into your html. Imagine what words you would use when looking for your site and then add them in.
Create a profile on all of the major social networking sites. This includes Yahoo, MSN, and My Space.
Visit message boards and forums and actively contribute worthwhile bits of information.
Run paid ads on targeted web sites. This includes pay per click.
Make sure your site is well designed, easy to use and appealing to its users. Ask for user feedback and offer your users a way to recommend your site to friends.
Offer a free drawing or contest. "Free" always attracts people to your website.

Mind Power Seeking Prosperity

Mind power Build Prosperity
Every one has a desire to become wealthy? Then let’s play a little mental “Monopoly game” to set an imaginary value on your mental process. Let’s suppose that for every thought you have, you either gain or lose a dollar. Assuming you have one thought a minute, every hour would then offer a potential $60 gain--or a $60 loss. Each successful 16-hour day would then equal a potential “gain” of $960. But, on the other hand, a single negative thought like, “Forget it, I’ll never make it anyway,” might trash four hours, creating a loss of $240 on your “mental balance sheet.” So, can you see how important a single thought can be to one seeking prosperity?

The Power of a Thought
Life is not just the fruit of the thoughts streaming through your mind. In truth, thoughts create life. How can that be so?
Suppose you were laid off from your job. Now, it’s obvious you did not create the weak economy leading to that event. But, you are in total control of how you respond. Here’s how that works. Suppose you get depressed and just give up. Your response would obviously create a negative reality in your life. But, what if you instead, “took the tiger by the tail” and started a new business on the Web? You would have then created an entirely different reality in response to the exact same event.

Life doesn’t just “happen” to us. It’s our response to what occurs that creates our personal reality! You really are in charge of creating your life.

The Thought Streaming Process
Many people go through their lives paying little or no attention to their active thought process. They are largely unaware of how their mind works--what it tends to pay attention to, what it fears, what it says to itself, and even what it chooses to simply ignore. For the most part, we eat, sleep, work, play, laugh, worry, hope, plan, love, hate, cook, drive, work out, all with little thought as to how we think or even what we are thinking.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. If we gave conscious attention to virtually every one of our movements or actions, we would likely overload our brain with unimportant decisions.

But, guess what! There’s another level of thinking we should give intense, dedicated attention to-–the thoughts that create our life reality!

Thought Stream Focus

Successful people have success-focused thought streams. Wealthy people have prosperity-focused thought streams. Powerful leaders have leadership-focused thought streams.

Do you want to create a lifestyle more prosperous than your current one? Then, you’ll have to develop and refine a prosperity-focused thought stream. “That’s easy to say,” you may be thinking. “When you’re successful, it’s easy to think success, and when you’re rich, it’s easy to think prosperity. But, I’m not close to wealthy or successful! The conditions of my life are keeping me down.”

Not so! There’s only one thing keeping any of us down—our thoughts. Your thoughts got you where you are today, and they will keep you there, unless replaced with something more positive and powerful! But, you can learn to direct your mind to create any lifestyle you desire.

The only true requirement is that you take action! Just wishing for something to change has no effect at all! You will always remain exactly as you are today unless you take action and change the focus and content of your thoughts.

Creating a Reality Shift

Assuming you do want more prosperity, the place to start is to build a solid prosperity-focused thought stream. Start with a review of your current thoughts! If you want financial abundance, but constantly think about your lack of money, you’re focusing your thought stream on the wrong end of the “abundance stick.”

You need to take charge of the internal messages your subconscious mind is broadcasting. Failure to pay attention leaves your subconscious mind in control. Then your sub conscience will simply continue to reinforce the same thoughts that created the reality you have today. Focus on feeling prosperous. Do not give attention to mental thoughts of lack. Replace them immediately with thoughts of prosperity!
This will cost you nothing. It takes no special abilities, intelligence, or talent. It only requires a decision to take control of your thoughts. That’s it! No matter what you’re past or present situation, or how many times you might have failed to reach your goals, you can change your life condition by simply paying attention to the thoughts streaming through your mind.
Give it a try, and watch your reality shift! Your lifestyle is a mirror reflection of exactly how you think. Prosperity consciousness doesn’t just “happen.” You create it. Or, you just continue to accept the crumbs that life happens to throw your way. Change your thinking, and you change your life. Learn how to apply modern neuroscience insights to take control of your mental process-–fast. Just do it. All you have to lose are your limitations!